vlaadovsky [at] mail [dot] ru

Draw portraits of people here

Let’s keep in touch

Get Inspired.

Enrich Yourself.

Translating from technical/ambiguous/any
into business language.

Let’s make the design for the real world

open cv

Vlad Yakimov or DAVLAD,

Senior UX/UI Designer, here!


Selected works in UX/UI, graph, industrial design. Click for more details


vlaadovsky [at] mail [dot] ru

Let’s make the design for the real world together


v2.2 • 05.03.2023 • Link to previous version

Love will save the world

An artist in spirit.

Studied industrial design in Stieglitz Academy. Currently I am into animation, digital painting and drawing.

An engineer by training.

Got a B.S. in Computer Science in ITMO University. Programming on Rust in my spare time.

A designer by vocation.

7 years in Hi-Tech, Life Science,
E-Comm, etc. MIT Global Startup School grad. NN/g certified (4/5 credits). Always aiming for product-market fit.

I have a mission that I live by:

To create products that inspire people to solve creative, unconventional problems, for the sake of enriching the Earth's culture